Monday, September 23, 2024

Please join Bainbridge Island 4-H at our Open House on Thursday, October 10, 2024.

We hope to see you at Yeomalt Cabin (900 Park Avenue, Bainbridge Island) from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.

What is 4-H?

4-H is the largest youth development organization in America empowering young people around the world to focus on learning by doing!  Bainbridge Island 4-H is part of Kitsap County 4-H and Washington State University.  

What does the name 4-H mean?

4-H stands for Head, Heart, Hands and Health.  These are the 4 values that members and leaders practice in their club, community and world.  

What does Bainbridge Island 4-H offer?

We meet monthly at Yeomalt Cabin for community service projects, team building activities, games, and popular potluck events.  We often have guest speakers (past speakers include the fire and police departments, ferry police dogs, apple tree grafting workshop, bee keepers, and veterinarians).

In addition to the monthly general meetings, kids enroll in a 4-H project.  Our club currently offers:

1) Dog Project

2) Cooking and Baking Project

3) Leadership Project

Volunteer with us!

4-H is successful because of volunteers.  If you are interested in volunteering, there are many options available.  If you are interested in being a group leader, sharing a hobby, or being a guest speaker please let us know.  Please email  


Please reach out to  


Monday, September 25, 2023

Please join us at the Bainbridge Island 4-H open house!!  We'll provide an overview of Bainbridge Island 4-H and also discuss the projects and plans for the 4-H year.

The open house will be held at Yeomalt Cabin on Bainbridge Island.  The address is 900 Park Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 

The open house will be on Thursday, October 5, 2023 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.  

Hope to see you there!!

Please email us with questions:

Thursday, November 3, 2022

How to join Bainbridge Island 4-H

Hello and welcome to Bainbridge Island 4-H!  

Our club is part of Kitsap County 4-H and our enrollment is completed online.  You'll find enrollment information and the link to enroll at the Kitsap County 4-H website.  We're including the link for enrollment information below.  

Before you click on the link, it's important to mention that Bainbridge Island 4-H is waiving enrollment fees this year!  When you type in your enrollment information, please type, "paid by check" in the payment section.  

Kitsap County 4-H enrollment

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

4-H Open House!

 We are ecstatic to announce that Bainbridge Island 4H is restarting this year with meetings in person! 

There will be an open house/general meeting on October 20, 2022. 630-730pm at Yeomalt Cabin. (900 Park Ave., Bainbridge Island).

The 4H group meets monthly* at Yeomalt Cabin where we will have a range of different activities. These typically incorporate a speaker and a hands-on-learning experience. Prior examples have included topics such as fruit tree grafting, public speaking tips/tricks, community service projects, and police officer Q &A. Ideally, the kids in the Leadership Project (grades 7-12) run the meetings and help coordinate the programming.

There are "Projects" or sub-groups in addition to the main 4H group. If your youth is interested in only being in the general 4H group- great! If a "Project" seems interesting, then your child is welcome to participate in one (or all of them)! The variety of Projects can vary across the country depending on the local interest and support. There needs to be 2 adults present at each meeting- at least one who is a 4H parent leader volunteer. 

Bainbridge Island 4H has the current sub-groups (Projects) available: 

  • Dog Project (grades k-12)
  • Leadership Project (grades 7-12)
  • Cooking/baking Project (grades k-12 with some meetings over zoom and some in person).  

If you are interested in starting another Project (For example, Bunnies, Chickens, Horses, Photography, etc.), please email me at or come to the meeting on the 20th. 


4H is sincerely an amazing organization. Through its 20+ years on Bainbridge Island, the group has been able to grow and change with the interests of its members. Per the 4H website, "In 4‑H programs, kids and teens complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and civic engagement in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles."

*Meeting dates for 2022-2023 General 4H meetings at Yeomalt Cabin 630-730pm:

October 20, 2022

November 3, 2022

December 1, 2022

January 12, 2023

Feburary 9, 2023

March 9, 2023

April 13, 2023

(no May meeting)

June 8, 2023

July 30-August 3 overnight camp! Kids do not need to be 4H members to attend.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Fall 2022

The new 4-H year begins in October 2022.  If you have questions about Bainbridge Island 4-H, please email us at!


Bainbridge Island 4-H Club

Monday, May 9, 2022

Spring cooking!

Bainbridge Island 4-H is currently offering cooking sessions.  There is a cooking session scheduled in May, an outdoor cooking session in June and possibly a third cooking session in July.  Please contact leaders Becky or Marianne for additional information.

Please email the club prior to enrolling to discuss the cooking project with our leaders.

Please visit the Kitsap County 4-H website for current information and fun 4-H summer activities!

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Cooking delicious empanadas!

Please join Becky and Marianne as they teach 4-H members how to cook empanadas!    

Who:  4-H members

What:  Learn to make delicious Empanadas via Zoom

When:  February 6, 2022

Time:  2:00 - 3:30pm

Details:  Please email Becky or Marianne for the Zoom link and for a list of ingredients that you'll need.


Saturday, November 20, 2021

Getting started with projects...


4-H Leaders are busy completing training and making plans for member meetings.  The dog project will begin meetings in January 2022 and the cooking project is planning their first meeting now.  Please contact either Becky or Marianne to learn of the first Zoom cooking meeting!


Friday, October 1, 2021

Projects offered this fall 2021



Thanks for your interest in Bainbridge Island 4-H!  We’ve found that many people have questions about the Bainbridge Island 4-H club so we’re hoping you’ll find an answer here!


What projects are available this year? 

Two projects are offered this year:  Cooking and Dogs. 


·         Becky and Marianne will lead virtual cooking sessions via Zoom. 

·         Please contact Becky or Marianne before you enroll to learn about membership, space, meetings, goals and what they have planned. 

·         Parents may need to assist members in the kitchen with items that pose a danger (i.e. oven, stove, kitchen appliances, knives, etc.).


·         Debbie will lead sessions for the dog project, mostly via Zoom.

·         Please contact Debbie before you enroll to learn more about this project, space, membership, meetings, and what is planned.

·         Debbie will need a second adult/parent to attend each dog meeting*.


I’d like to know more about the monthly activities before I sign up and pay online.  Can I talk with or email a leader?

Yes, you can email and let us know which project(s) you are interested in.  Becky, Marianne, or Debbie will follow up with you.


What is the fee to enroll?

The fee is $45.00 per child per year (beginning October 1st).

We're new to 4-H, can you tell me a little more about it?

4-H is a youth development organization. A huge focus is put on learning by doing and using those skills to empower kids to become leaders in their communities. Members focus on different skills by enrolling in different "projects". Bainbridge Island 4-H is a general club, meaning that it's one large umbrella club that offers Dog and Cooking projects.  Members in 4-H focus on the 4 "H"s: Head, Heart, Hands, and Health.  


How will Bainbridge Island 4-H operate during covid?

Our club is part of Kitsap County 4-H and Washington State University (WSU).  We follow the health and safety regulations set for us.  That means all volunteers are required to be vaccinated and all meetings must be either virtual or outdoors with masks.  All members must be socially distanced at any outdoor meeting.


When does Enrollment begin?

Online enrollment begins October 1, 2021.  Kitsap County 4-H has a lot of information online plus links to enroll.  You may also click on the “Enroll in Kitsap County and Bainbridge Island 4-H” button at


Will I need to attend Zoom meetings with my child?

*All 4-H meetings (including virtual) are required to have two adults present, one certified 4-H leader and another adult/parent.  Your certified 4-H leader may ask a parent to attend a meeting to meet this requirement.  4-H cooking projects via Zoom may require parents to help with items that pose a danger (i.e. oven, stove, kitchen appliances, knives, etc.).


Where can I find more information about 4-H?

You will find information on Kitsap County 4-H, membership, handbooks, forms and more at the 4-H extension website:


Is it possible to attend a meeting with my child before I enroll?

Yes, you can attend one project meeting before signing up online.  Project leaders can tell you the dates.


How old do you have to be to enroll in 4-H?

4-H is available for the following age groups:

·                     Cloverbuds: 5 (by October 1st) to 7 years of age. 

·                     Junior: 8 to 10 years of age 

·                     Intermediate: 11 to 13 years of age

·                     Senior: 14 to less than 19 years of age


I don’t have a dog.  Can my child join the dog project?

Yes, you do not need a dog to join 4-H dogs.  There’s a lot to learn about dogs!

Thank you!
Bainbridge Island 4-H 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Projects this fall...

Thanks for your interest in Bainbridge Island 4-H!  

This year, Bainbridge Island 4-H will have two projects to enroll in:  Dogs and Cooking!

The project leaders are working on the details of their projects and will share more information on getting started shortly. 

A quick overview of what 4-H is: 4-H is a youth development organization. A huge focus is put on learning by doing and using those skills to empower kids to become leaders in their communities. Members focus on different skills by enrolling in different "projects". Bainbridge Island 4-H is a general club, meaning that it's one large umbrella club that offers different projects (dog, cooking, etc.).